Contact Colinelgie@aol.com
Colin Elgie 8th Dan
Patron: Hajime Hayabuchi (16th Soke), Araki Muninsai Ryu Iaido, Kobe, Japan
Anyone can practice jujitsu regardless of their physical abilities. Strength is not a major factor; skill, balance, leverage and speed are more important so that available strength can be used to its greatest advantage. The application of these abilities also requires determination and spirit, and both the physical and the mental aspects of the martial art are developed. Practice, and lots of it, is essential; to become an expert in jujitsu requires years of training.
Beginners pass through various Kyu grades denoted by different coloured belts. At the kyu grade stage of training, the form or shape of the technique must be mastered. As well as teaching the mechanics of various throws, locks and strikes in a static situation, students are required to start practicing in more freestyle situations. This also develops the ability to attack strongly, but still control their own aggression.
At the early dan grade stage of training, the basic form is broken into infinite applications and applied in all situations. This involves a great deal of freestyle training and experimentation with techniques that the student thinks they already know fairly well. Students are expected to develop and combine these techniques to suit their own personal attributes and temperament.
The higher dan grades should forget all forms and execute technique without conscious thought. At the very highest level no one should be able to trace your movements or capture your technique.

Jujitsu (also know as Ju Jitsu and Jiu Jitsu)
Jujitsu is the name of the martial art we practice. Ju means 'pliable' - to use any necessary means to overcome our attacker, seen or unseen. Jitsu may be translated as 'warlike art' or 'science'. The combination of Ju and Jitsu is formidable, making it possible to meet an attack with any type of defence: kicks, strikes, throws, chokes, locks or takedowns.
The defence concentrates on the attacker's weak points, such as eyes, head, major organs and joints. The effectiveness of these techniques means that it is not possible to practice jujitsu as a sport, so during training the techniques must be performed with care and control to ensure that no injuries are inflicted.